Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

 otherwise known as cider vinegar or ACV Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
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Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known as cider vinegar or ACV, is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must and has a pale to medium amber color. Unpasteurized or organic ACV contains mother of vinegar, which has a cobweb-like appearance and can make the vinegar look slightly congealed.

ACV is used in salad dressings, marinades, vinaigrettes, food preservatives, and chutneys, among other things. It is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the alcoholic fermentation process, and the sugars are turned into alcohol. In a second fermentation process, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter). Acetic acid and malic acid give vinegar its sour taste.

Here are some Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:-

Natural Cures!
  • Soothes A Sore Throat
Vinegar is naturally antibacterial, so it can help kill any bacteria that may be causing you discomfort in your throat

Combined with honey, a powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory, ACV works better than most cough syrups.

Use: Combine 1 tbsp. ACV, 1 tbsp. cayenne pepper and 3 tbsp. raw honey in a glass of warm water. Cayenne pepper will help relieve any lingering pain.

  • Eases Gas and Constipation
Vinegar has a similar acidity of hydrochloric acid, the acid produced in your stomach that helps break down food. Simple dilutes a tbsp. of ACV into warm tea and drink before a heavy meal.

  • Relieves Heartburn
Heartburn can be caused by your body producing too little stomach acid. In fact, naturopaths often suggest taking a tbsp. of ACV with a bit of honey, if you feel any symptoms coming on.

  • Soothes Sunburn
For quick relief, pour a lukewarm bath and add a cup or two of ACV into the water. Soak for ten minutes. This will help restore your skin’s pH, making your skin feel cool and soothed.

  • Relieves Burns
Similarly to how ACV eases pain in sunburns, it can also help with first degree burns. Simply apply a little ACV onto a burn to quickly relieve pain. However, do not use it on open wounds or 2nd or 3rd degree burns.

  • Heals Bruises
To help diminish the appearance of bruises, warm up a cup of ACV and mix in a teaspoon of sea salt. Apply to the bruise as a hot compress every day until the bruise subsides.

  • Treats Fungal Infection
Use AVC for topical infections such as ring worms or athlete’s foot 

Simply use a cotton pad to apply ACV directly to affected area or soak in a solution made of 1 part ACV 5 parts water for 30 minutes daily.

To treat toe fungus, you’ll need to follow a more extensive regime.

  • Soothe Sore Muscles
After a hard at work or at the gym, take a tablespoon of ACV with water or apply it topically onto the affected area. For generalized pain, add a cup or two of ACV to a hot bath and soak for 10-20 minutes.

  • Relieve a Stubborn Itch
Some itches never seem to quit. Instead of reaching for your polysporin, saturate a Q-tip in ACV and apply directly to the itch. It might sting a little, but the itch will quickly subside.

  • Combat Insulin Sensitivity
ACV helps to control glucose metabolism and stabilize blood sugar. Use it in warm water before and after meals to help keep your diabetes in check.

  • Clears Sinuses
Another cold remedy! Drinking a tablespoon of ACV diluted in a warm glass of water will help break up mucus and relieve stiffness.

  • Circulates Lymph
Naturopaths suggest ½ tablespoon of ACV in lemon water to help circulate lymph and blood.

  • Boosts Energy
Simply add a little to your morning tea or water for a quick boost.

  • Heals an Upset Stomach
An upset stomach can have many different causes and can be hard to treat. However, ACV is one of the best all-around remedies to ease nausea and stomach pain.

Combine 2 teaspoons of ACV, 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger and a one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon into a paste.

Stir it into 8 ounces sparkling water and top it off with a little raw honey to improve the taste.

  • Exercise Fatigue
Drink a tablespoon of ACV in a cup of water after your workout to alkalize your system and fight lactic acid. It also contains amino acids help repair and rebuild muscles and fight exhaustion.

  • Heals Yeast Infection
Yeast infections often occur in women after taking antibiotics. However, it can be easily cured by soaking in a warm bath with 1 ½ cups of ACV and soak for 20 minutes.

  • Allergy Medicine
Since ACV can help clear congestion and ease a sore throat, it can safely be used to manage allergy symptoms. Simply drink a glass of water with 1 tablespoon each of ACV and raw honey.

  • Cramp Relief
Traditional medicine practitioners swear by rubbing ACV on muscle cramps to diminish the intensity and pain.

  • Weight Loss AID
The acetic acid and fiber in raw, unfiltered ACV help to increase satiety. Take ½ tablespoon in warm water every day before meals to help control your appetite.

  • Liver Detox
To clean your liver, take 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in an 8 Oz glass of hot water first thing in the morning. Make sure to eat clean and stay hydrated for best results

  • Fights Candida
Candida is the genus of yeast responsible for most fungal infections in humans. According to the CDC, there exist 20 species of Candida yeasts that target humans. ACV can apply topically to areas affected by the fungus, although it should be diluted if used on sensitive skin.
  • Relieves Gout
Vinegar is a common traditional remedy for inflammation. It’s said that vinegar can dissolve the uric acid that gathers in your joints and causes gout.

To use, take 2-3 tablespoons in water, 2-3 times a day. To prevent damage to your tooth enamel, quickly rinse out your month after taking it or drink it through a stainless steel straw.

Natural Beauty Recipes

  • Cleanser
If you have oily skin or suffer from acne, a little apple cider vinegar is all you need to reset your skin pH.

Simply soak a cotton bud or washcloth in 2-3 parts water 1 part vinegar and add it onto your face. Do not wash it off unless you have very sensitive skin.

  • Teeth Whitener
Do not apply directly onto your teeth for it may break down the enamel. Instead, dilute a few tablespoons in water and use as a mouth rinse. Make sure to rinse again with plain water afterwards.

  • Deodorant
Simply wash the affected area (feet or armpits) and pat dry with a clean towel. Follow up with pure or diluted ACV and allow it to air dry. You should have a whole day of odor control! You can even use it to detox your armpits from heavy metals typically found in deodorant.

  • Dandruff Treatment
Dandruff is often caused by dry or irritated skin or fungal infection (7). Vinegar is anti-fungal and helps stabilize pH levels in your skin, making it a great weapon against the condition.

To use, wash your hair as per usual and spray it down with equal parts vinegar and water before using conditioner.

It should sit for 15 minutes before being rinsed out. Repeat every day until your dandruff is cured. You can also use this as a preventive measure once a week.

  • Breath Deodorizer
Bad breath is often caused by bad bacteria lingering in your mouth. To kill them off, mix 1 tablespoon ACV in a cup of water and gargle for 10 seconds. Follow up with a water rinse.

  • After Shave
To prevent ingrown hair and soothe your skin after shaving, Mix 1 tablespoon of ACV with a tablespoon of water and apply directly to your face. Leave it on and do not rinse.

  • Detox Bath
For a relaxing and restorative soak, add 1 cup of Epsom salt and a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath. If you don’t like the smell, add 10 drops or so of lavender or tea tree oil. For a deeper detox, add ¼ cup of baking soda before getting in.

  • Hair Conditioner
For shiny, untangled hair, mix 1 tablespoon of ACV, a cup of water and a few drops of orange essential oil. Pour into freshly shampooed hair and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and do not follow up with conditioner.

  • Facial Toner
Dilute 1 teaspoon ACV in equal parts water and apply to a clean face using a cotton ball. If you have sensitive skin, you may have to play around with the saturation to get the best mix.

Let it dry and soak into your skin and follow up with coconut oil. It should be gentle and effective enough to use every day.


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